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  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Heavy vehicles and trailers hitting or crushing workers

    To highlight the risks associated with workers being crushed or hit by heavy vehicles or trailers.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Insulation - installing ceiling insulation and your health and safety

    Effective 1 November 2009, all Queensland insulation installers, whether or not operating under the Australian Government's Home Insulation Scheme, will be required to take additional electrical safety measures as provided in the Electrical Safety (Installation of Ceiling Insulation) Notice 2009, to protect themselves and Queensland householders. Non-compliance is a breach of electrical safety obligations - significant penalties apply.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Plate clamps and dropping loads

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risks associated with plate clamps used to lift loads, and to provide guidance on ways to use plate clamps safely.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Gas Struts

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the potential risks associated with the use of gas struts.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Air-conditioner installation

    Safety alert to inform workers installing air-conditioning units about the risk of working on pressurised plant and to provide guidance on ways to control the risks of working on pressurised plant and ensure a safe system of work is followed.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Trapdoors and penetration covers in construction

    The purpose of this safety alert is to inform people of the need to correctly design trapdoors and penetration covers and to implement safe systems of work to minimise the risk of falls.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Inflatable water balls

    The purpose of this alert is to inform owners and operators of inflatable water balls of the possible risks with their use. This alert also provides some information on risk control measures.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Pacific Roll Pac 16 tonne multi-tyred roller

    Workplace health and safety alert regarding moving plant (equipment or machinery), specifically multi-tyred rollers

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Hose whip on concrete pumps

    The purpose of this alert is to highlight the hazards and risks to workers caused by hose whip on concrete pumps. 'Hose whip' describes the uncontrolled and rapid motion of the flexible rubber hose on the end of a concrete placement boom or other concrete delivery line. The following information is provided to assist employers, self-employed people, principal contractors, clients and project managers to meet their obligations under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Lifting inserts for tilt-up and pre-cast concrete construction

    Lifting inserts are specially designed and manufactured items, of controlled strength and ductility, which are cast into concrete elements for the purpose of lifting.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Safe loading of elevated work platforms on tilt tray trucks

    The purpose of this alert is to inform people of the risk of injury when loading and unloading elevating work platforms (EWPs) onto and off tilt tray trucks.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Entry to confined spaces on marine craft

    To alert owners and operators of marine craft to the dangers of entering previously sealed confined space environments prior to verifying that the atmosphere is safe for human occupation