Safe working environment

A safe working environment means designing and maintaining your workplace to minimise physical and mental health risks.

Question 1 of 4
Does the design and layout of your workplace allow tasks to be done safely?

Workplace is designed to be healthy and safe

Safe and clean workspaces

Do you maintain your workplace so that it is healthy and safe?

Safe and clean workspaces

Machinery and equipment operate safely

Hazardous chemicals are used, handled and stored safely

Safety data sheets are available and up-to-date

Do you protect your workers from mental health risks at work?*

Mental health is a priority.

*Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you engage with sub-contractors, labour-hire workers, volunteers, work experience, etc.

Do you have emergency plans and are they tested?

Emergency plans are in place, and reviewed regularly

A fully-stocked first aid kit is available


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