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Showing 1-12 of 25 results with 2 filters
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Check insurance cover
Check to see if an employer has a current accident insurance policy.
28 August 2020 -
Industry comparative calculator
Industry comparative calculator to generate the latest statistics for your industry and across Queensland.
16 December 2024 -
Send or request WorkCover information
The easiest and fastest way you can get information to or from WorkCover Queensland is using our dedicated online services.
20 November 2024 -
Hazardous chemical notifications
Make a hazardous chemical notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
16 September 2020 -
Electrical licence holder search
You can check the status of electrical contractor licence numbers through our online Electrical Licence Search.
12 October 2020 -
Make a WorkCover claim
Make a WorkCover claim for a work-related injury or illness.
16 September 2020 -
Electrical contractor self-audit
This self-audit is designed to help you better understand and meet your key electrical safety obligations.
16 September 2020 -
Apply for a policy online
Taking out an insurance policy with WorkCover is quick and simple.
28 August 2020 -
Raise a workplace safety concern
To raise a concern about a work health and safety or electrical safety issue, please start by answering these five quick questions.
27 May 2022