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Bishopp Billboards
1 October 2017 -
Mater Group
1 October 2018 -
Timothy Gallagher
1 October 2018 -
Mitchell Services
1 October 2018 -
Are you prepared? Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice
Sam Popple, Director of the Psychological Health Unit, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, explains the new Code of Practice for Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work, and what this means for both employees and employers throughout Queensland. This presentation was part of the Healthy Work Design forum held on 22 March 2023.
18 May 2023 -
Making sense of workers' compensation - accountant / bookkeeper webinar
Why is WorkCover insurance so important for your clients and the workers they employ? How can you help your clients maximise commercial benefits from their workers' compensation policy?
12 August 2016 -
Design for workplace diversity, developed by Sara Pazell presented by David Hall
Learn about how to integrate business unit activity, display good leadership, and advance company strategy through a shared investment in design objectives, measures, and outcomes.
10 November 2021 -
Australian Country Choice
8 October 2021 -
Imagining a workplace without burnout: new findings and a roadmap to prevention
Industrial/Organisational psychologist Dr John Chan (Managing Director at Infinite Potential), and wellbeing and burnout expert, researcher, and speaker Sally Clarke (Co Director at Human Leaders) shares the latest findings from the 2022 Global Burnout Study and discuss the misalignment between much hyped burnout prevention strategies and the root causes of burnout. The discussion offers practical advice on what organisations can do to drive attraction and retention through burnout mitigation.
1 November 2022 -
Prevention and management of work-related violence - Mental Health Week 2018
This presentation is on the prevention and management of work related violence.
22 October 2018 -
WorkCover for small business: work injuries, return to work and your obligations
Webinar hosted by CCIQ. What happens when one of your workers is injured at work? What should you do? How can you support them?
15 March 2021 -
Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022
The Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022 is a practical guide on how to prevent harm from psychosocial hazards at work, including psychological and physical harm.
1 April 2023