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Showing 37-48 of 306 results with 2 filters
Manual handling plasterboard - Campaign report August 2013
Report for the Manual Handling of Plasterboard Campaign that was undertaken by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) between 2011 and 2013 (21 pages).
Mobile and operational plant – earthmoving equipment: Inspector guide
An inspector guide for auditing operators of earthmoving equipment as part of the 'Mobile and operational plant in construction' campaign.
Guide for mobile and operational plant personnel and materials hoists
A guide to assist inspectors in carrying out the mobile and operational plant - personnel and materials hoist audits.
Inspector guide - Mobile and operational plant - elevating work platforms
This guide is useful to duty holders, principal contractors, site managers, supervisors and safety personnel who work with and around elevating work platforms (EWP) on construction sites.
Concrete pumping code of practice 2019 - comparative table
Concrete pumping code of practice 2019 comparative table showing all amendments from the old code of practice
Leadership in major contractors: preventing sprain and strain injuries in the construction industry
Ergonomics and Construction
Reducing Common Law Exposure in the Mining and Construction Industries
Terry Killian – Partner – DibbsBarker - Presentation slides
Breathe Freely - Presentation Slides
Peter Aspinall, representing the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH)
Industrial Ventilation Silica - Presentation Slides
Industrial Ventilation for Silica - presentation slides by Dr David Bromwich, Consulting Occupational Hygienist.
Working safely in the house relocation industry
The guide relates to work involving removing and relocating houses from one site to another and raising and lowering houses on site.
Asbestos licensing and notification guide for applicants
Use this guide if you are:• applying for an asbestos removal work licence• applying for an asbestos assessor licence• notifying of asbestos removal work, asbestos fibres and emergency demolition of structures containing asbestos.