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An Assessment of Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace
People at Work is a psychosocial risk assessment process. It aims to help organisations identify and manage workplace risks to the psychological health of all workers, volunteers and persons at the workplace. Final Report to Partner Organisations 2016 (168 pages).
PDF 2.7 MB 28 August 2020 -
Vehicles as a Workplace - Work Health and Safety Guide
This guide is for firms, organisations and individuals who use vehicles for work purposes on the road networks of Australia or New Zealand. The guide describes a process for dealing with road traffic hazards in line with work health and safety (WHS) legislation and road traffic safety (RTS) principles. It covers all vehicle use in road traffic and complements other legislative requirements that apply to businesses whose primary purpose is transport, such as bus, truck or taxi operators.
PDF 1.1 MB 1 September 2022 -
Guide to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Queensland
This guide is designed to help people understand their health and safety duties and rights in the workplace. However, it is not intended to be read in place of the WHS Act. To assist readers, cross-references to specific sections of the WHS Act are provided after each heading.
PDF 371.74 kB 5 April 2022 -
Safe working and supervision guide for electrical apprentices
This guide has been designed to assist electrical apprentices in Queensland to understand the electrically safe working practices required as an apprentice.
PDF 4.8 MB 30 August 2024 -
Workers’ compensation insurers’ interface data specification: Data submission process and validation reference guide
This document lists and describes all of the validations applied to the monthly insurer interface data submission.
PDF 948.97 kB 28 August 2020 -
Strategies to ensure compliance
A report on OIR strategies to ensure compliance in priority industries between 2007 - 2017 (88 pages).
PDF 1.9 MB 28 August 2020 -
Preventing and managing fatigue-related risk in the workplace
A guide on preventing and managing fatigue-related risk in the workplace.
PDF 1.5 MB 28 August 2020 -
Good work design for young workers (Webinar: slides and transcript)
Supporting and engaging with young workers in health and safety through good work design, effective leadership and a supportive safety culture. Includes SEQwater case study. 28 May 2015
PPT 13.3 MB 28 August 2020 -
Model Planning Scheme Development Code for Hazardous Industries and Chemicals
Using, storing or generating hazardous chemicals (hazchem), particularly those being processed and/or in large quantities, can generate off-site risks which require careful assessment and management. The State Planning Policy (SPP) requires development involving hazchems that is resilient and appropriately located with neighbours of compatible level of sensitivity.
PDF 1.8 MB 28 August 2020 -
Best Practice Review of Workplace Health and Safety
Independent review by Tim Lyons (July 2017).
PDF 2.3 MB 28 August 2020