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How far are courts prepared to go with social media and bullying
Robinson v Lorna Jane Pty Ltd [2017] QDC 266, 3 November 2017. In this case, the Court ordered the Plaintiff to disclose facebook material, which completely destroyed the Plaintiff's credibility.
Stellar Asia Pacific
Stellar recognised that early intervention and having a focus on workplace rehabilitation can reduce the economic and human costs associated with work related injury and illness. They have applied an early intervention approach to their injury management processes and are reaping the benefits.
Conflicting versions of events
Arnold v Tilecorp Pty Ltd [2012] QSC 321, 25 October 2012. This case was determined according to issues of credit, with His Honour preferring the employer’s evidence over that of the worker’s as to the system of work he was undertaking at the time. The matter proceeded in relation to both liability and quantum.
Connecting safety and culture - getting started: Integra Packaging Pty Ltd., Yeerongpilly
Integra Packaging embarked on a safety culture and leadership journey when the company recognised that the key to continued safe and efficient production rested with its people.
Plaintiff acted contrary to training
Evans v State of Queensland [2013] QDC 277. A police officer suffered a nose, wrist and psychiatric injury when she was struck by an offender while attempting to extract his car keys from a car.
Horseplay not to be tolerated in the workplace
Goran Cincovic v Blenners Transport Pty Ltd, Supreme Court of Queensland [2017] QSC 320, 20 December 2017. Employers need to ensure there are clear directions in the workplace, not to engage in activities which pose a foreseeable risk of injury.
More rigorous system not required
Morton v Ivor Fritz Removals [2013] QDC 293. Worker injured his knee when he was moving furniture.
Truck Driver Awarded Damages for Faulty Truck Seat
The Plaintiff was a 38 year old truck driver who alleged he sustained a lower back disc protrusion driving a truck with a faulty seat over a period of months.
High duty of care on employers extends to one-off simple tasks
Witherington v Lev’s Fabrications Pty Ltd [2014] QDC 266 21 November 2014. This case highlights the high duty of care placed on employers to provide workers with a safe place of work, safe systems of work, appropriate training and to assess the risk involved in all aspects of an employee’s work.