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Wesley Mission Queensland - category five

Wesley Mission Queensland’s (WMQ) health and wellbeing program ‘Building Healthy Connected People’ brings together elements of culture, body, mind, spirit and workplace and they apply this framework to their workforce of over 5000 people including contractors, volunteers and casual employees. The program supports a healthy work life balance, as well as making reasonable adjustments for life stage changes such as but not exclusive to transitioning through the following:

  • flexible working arrangement procedures
  • carer’s leave allowance
  • employee assistance program
  • Recover@work procedure.

The health and wellbeing program supports WMQ’s strategic focus area that People Make the Difference. Healthy Connected People aims to use workplace practices that focus on increasing knowledge and awareness around mental health and wellbeing issues, reducing stigma around depression and anxiety in the workplace, building resilience and support mechanisms, and embedding psychological safety to ensure organisational success, sustainability and growth.

WMQ's health and wellbeing programs are provided to staff via three tiers:

  • Tier 1: Wellness topical monthly themed events, information and communications.
  • Tier 2: Tailored ad-hoc programs to services identified as at risk or 'hot spots'. This includes working collaboratively with the work health and safety team, business partners and local managers that may need short term intensive support.
  • Tier 3: Constant, review and implementation of procedures and policies that exist to ensure and reinforce a culture of harm prevention and psychological safety.

Evaluation of the program has found:

  • premium rates have all decreased, particularly with the aged care and other social assistance services
  • 98.5 per cent average final return to work rate
  • over 1,800 staff attended wellness events provided.

WMQ’s holistic, end to end approach to corporate wellness ensures that the workforce’s contributions to the business are recognised and rewarded. Continued success of this program will be driven by collaboration, internal and external partnerships and support from the executive leadership.

Wesley Mission Queensland