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How we communicate

We communicate through many different methods.


The first of which is our internal communications platform - Yammer. It's kind of like a Facebook for work, where we put up all announcements and news. There's also a few special interest groups on there which are just waiting for you to join! Our CEO Bruce also uses Yammer to say welcome to our newbies (like you!) on their arrival.

Some pages within Yammer are:

  • Grapevine

    We have an internal buy, swap and sell platform called Grapevine (as in, you heard it on the Grapevine, ha! We get it). There's some cool things on there like puzzles, caravans… even duck eggs.

  • Praise Page

    The Praise Page is where we give virtual pats-on-the-backs. Don't be afraid to tell your teammates how much you dig their work. Share a story about a customer or a lovely testimonial to make someone's day (just don't share any private information or claim specifics).

Team meetings

Your weekly team meetings will be held face-to-face. It's a chance for you to talk about WorkCover-wide news and events, nut out any problems and celebrate the wins! Your team will consist of about 10-12 people in the customer experience area, and smaller team sizes in all other Groups.


These are done regularly between you and your manager. They're a great chance for you two to catch up and talk about your goals, achievements and development. At each of these, come prepared with topics you'd like to talk about. You might have these catch ups more regularly while you're still fresh to the team.

Pretty much everything else...

Is kept on the intranet – this houses all of our content surrounding policies, procedures, templates, style guides and forms. All the fun stuff you may need while working with us.

Plus all of our daily news is updated on the homepage of the intranet. Bruce is pretty good at putting up notes and important info!

It also houses the telephone directory in case you need to call your manager if something has gone awry (text messaging isn't the best option).